Nursery Rhyme Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Pizzicato on open strings, half and quarter notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
The Demon Drink Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Pizzicato on open strings, half, quarter and eighth notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
The Mad Verger Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Bowed half notes on open G. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Playing Statues Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Ending a note at the right time. A single repeated open string. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Elevator Music Violin and / or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Double-stopping open strings. Half and quarter notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Réflets dans l'Evier Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings, half and quarter notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Musick for Her Majesties Cornettes and Tubbs Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings, half and quarter notes, mock Elizabethan. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Socialist Realism Waltz Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings and first finger, half notes, quarter notes and quarter note rests, one tricky little rhythm. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Norwegian Holiday Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings and first finger, half and quarter notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Musette (after Rameau) Violin and / or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Double-stopping open strings. Playing on and off the beat in 3/4. Ties. Counting. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.00 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Gigue Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings against a 6/8 accompaniment. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Berceuse from the Polly Suite Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings and first finger, half and quarter notes, string crossing. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Same Difference Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Demonstrating the sameness of the octave. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
The Stranglers of Antibes Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Alternating A natural and sharp, crescendo and diminuendo. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
What the Seaweed Tells Me Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major, three fingers. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Fingers down Bourrée Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings and four fingers, G major. Keeping fingers down whenever possible. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Danse des Pommes Purées Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. A repeated finger pattern in G major first position, eighth and sixteenth notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Star Walking Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Open strings and first finger, whole notes and half notes tied across barlines. Saving bow. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Danse des Petites Lentilles Verte Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. A repeated finger pattern in first position. Lifting finger to access lower note. Three fingers and open string, eighth notes only. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Death of Agnes Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Long-short bow strokes dotted half note followed by two eighth notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Barcarole Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, G major, slurring across open strings, legato figures in 6/8, dotted rhythms. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Waterways of East Anglia Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Long notes, notes tied across bars, second finger in low position. Concentration on intonation. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Why Don't She Just Phone Me? Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major. Blues style with swung eighth notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Scroungers Violin and / or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, G major. Swung sixteenth-notes. Mock TV sig. Tune. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.00 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Mon Paris Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, G manor, three fingers in descending scale figure. Bow retakes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.00 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Och, my Love's like a Parsnip Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major, first and second fingers, some slurred eighth notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
I Only Wear these Grey Suede Shoes for You Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major, eighth notes slurred in pairs. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
I'm On'y a Poor Blinkin' Dus'man Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major. Mock music hall. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Catastrophic Waltz Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. D minor. Building up second finger low position from below. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Flatfinger Blues Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. D minor. Building up 2nd finger low position from below. Syncopation, slurs. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Chorus Line Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major. Syncopation, fairly fast. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Collapso Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Descending G major scale figure in eighth notes with syncopated catches built in. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Heavy Humour Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, G major. Playing on and off beat in 3/4, ties across barlines. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Allegretto Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, detached bowing. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Allegro Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major, Detached bowing. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Concerto Blotto Violin and Viola with Piano accompaniment. Canon in mock-baroque style. Slurred sixteenth notes. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Il Bel Paese Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, arpeggio figures in G, D and C major. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Friday Evening on the Turkey Farm Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major, three fingers. Barndance, syncopated, fairly fast. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
His Humour Giles Farnaby. Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, accidentals. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Trying to Get the Baby Off to Sleep Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D major, 6/8. Legato, slurring across strings. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Bedtime Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, D minor. Slurring across strings at intervals of a third. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
By Cumbernauld's Sweet Waters Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Third position, G major, first three fingers, no shifting. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Divin Enfant Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Third position, G major, four fingers. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Le Furet Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. G major. Play either in first position or first and third Photocopying permitted.. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Disco, circa 1813 Minuet for Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Placing the fourth finger relative to the others. Asymmetrical and hooked bowing. Lifting the bow for staccato. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Amazing Grace Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Third position, first three fingers, slurring, triplets, hooked bowing. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Lounge-lizard Waltz Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, G major. Slurring across strings, intervals of third. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Gavotte Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, all four fingers, second finger alternating major and minor. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Meridian Alman Giles Farnaby Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, all four fingers, accidentals. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Rowland William Byrd Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, all four fingers, accidentals. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Valse Gériatrique Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. Sliding fingers in semitones. Preparatory exercise for chromatic scales. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Bedtime Again Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. E minor, first and third positions, changing position on same note. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.60 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Woodycock Giles Farnaby Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. First position, G minor, all four fingers, accidentals, asymmetric rhythms. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Wedding Dance Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. G major, alternating first and third positions, alternating 3/4, 4/4 and 5/4. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Varsity Summer Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. C major. Fingering fifths on adjacent strings. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £0.80 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Spinning Jenny Violin or Viola with Piano accompaniment. G major. 4th finger v open strings, slurring. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £1.20 |
To purchase, note catalogue number, composer and title and order from
Ten Miniatures Violin. First position, three fingers in major finger pattern on all strings. Varying difficulty. Photocopying permitted. See sample score
| | £2.10 |
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